This reference price is out of our reach. 这个参考价我们无法接受。
Is the reference price offered by you the final one? 您给的参考价,是否最后的价格?
The probable outcome is that the spot price will become the reference price for the iron ore market. 可能的结果是,现货价格将成为铁矿石市场的参考价格。
The existing evidences indicate that the reference price system could decrease the drug price, save the drug cost, and better the utilization of other healthcare. 现有证据表明参考定价对于降低药品价格、节省药品开支和对其他卫生服务的影响效果较好。
Based on the literature of reference price, this paper examines the factors influencing customers reference price over electrical appliances in the context of Chinese retailing. 文章以参考价格的研究文献为理论基础,在中国零售环境下针对家电产品研究了影响消费者参考价格形成的一些因素。
The official close is generally the most important official reference price for the market. 通常来说,官方收盘价对市场是最重要的官方参考价。
The reference price for outright transactions on the first business day for an international bond shall be on a price-per-hundred basis. 国际债券交易开始日之买卖断交易参考价格为一百货币单位。
Then, it makes a review on the research work of the principle of clustering and reference price setting, and the impact of reference pricing on behavior of referrals in market and the final price. 对国外相关文献进行梳理,以参考定价系统的规制结构和规制结果为线索,对参考组分组原则、补偿价格设定,以及参考定价对市场参与者行为和最终市场价格影响等问题的研究概况进行综述。
No knock-out event occurs-the closing price of China Life shares is below both knock-out price and reference price prior to maturity. 在没有发生取消事件?即于到期前中国人寿股份之收市价分别低于取消价及参考价的情况下。
In theory, Venezuela's government is obliged to deposit oil revenues into its Investment Fund for Macroeconomic Stabilisation whenever oil rises above a reference price ( currently$ 9 a barrel). 从理论上讲,每当油价上升超过一个参考价格(现在是9美元每桶)的时候,委内瑞拉政府必须将其石油收入存入其宏观经济稳定投资基金中。
11. The fixed reference price shall be based on the years 1986 to 1988 and shall generally be the actual price used for determining payment rates. 11.固定参考价格应以1986年至1988年为基期,一般应为用于确定支付率的实际价格。
In the private sector, generic medicines cost on average six times more than their international reference price, while originator brands are generally even more expensive. 在私立部门,非专利药品的价格比国家参考价格平均高出六倍以上。一般来说,专利品牌药会更加昂贵。
Many countries pay way too much for medicines, sometimes as much as60 times higher than the international reference price. 许多国家的药品价格十分昂贵,有时比国际参考价高出60倍。
The fixed reference price may be adjusted for quality differences as necessary. 如必要,可按质量差异调整固定参考价格。
If the price of the underlying security falls below the reference price, investors will lose some or all of their original investment amount. 若挂钩证券的价格跌至参考价以下,投资者将会损失部分或全部投资金额。
In return, the units convert into stock at a premium of 20 per cent to the reference price, which will be set shortly. 作为回报,这些股权单位将以高出参考价20%的价格转换成股票。
The study results show that brand equity has significant effects on the formation of reference price. 参考价格是消费者价格判断的重要依据,而品牌忠诚对消费者的购买行为也有着显著影响。
The cash settlement price referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be calculated from the next day's per-hundred reference price for bonds of that maturity. 前项现金结算之价格,以该期次债券之次日参考百元价格计算之。
If the per-hundred reference price thus calculated is obviously unreasonable, however, the GTSM will determine the price. 倘前述计算出之参考百元价格显不合理时,则由本中心决定之。
When there is no record of trades for the previous business day, as the per-hundred reference price for the most recent previous business day. 前一营业日均无成交纪录时,依最近营业日之参考百元价格。
The reference price as follows, and the real price completely depends on the market price. 以下价格为参考价,实际价格一律以市场价格为准。
The key point of carrying out price undertakings is to formulate reference price. 运用和实施价格承诺的关键是参考价格的制定。
Under this hypothesis, the option pricing formula is deduced. So a reference price is offered in practice. 在此假设下,推导出了欧式期权的定价公式,为实践者提供一个参考价格。
Consumers 'external reference price is the important factor to determine their price perception and purchase action and it directly affects consumers to make buying decision. 消费者的外部参考价格是决定其价格感知和购买行为的重要因素,直接影响到了消费者购买决策的制定。
One important basis of consumers 'price perception is consumers' reference price. 消费者对商品价格感知的一个重要基础就是消费者的参考价格。
Reference price is the price which consumers use to compare to the prices offered by the vendors. 参考价格是指消费者在购物时与厂商所提供的价格进行对比的价格。